CPC Driver Training Course


This course was introduced in Ireland in conjunction with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to set and maintain high standards of road safety and driving skills among professional bus and truck drivers.


Control of vehicle and Eco driving techniques 7h
Minimising Risks and Managing Emergencies 7h
Health and safety of the professional driver 7h
Role of the professional driver in transport industry 7h
The professional truck driver 7h
The professional bus driver 7h

Click here to see details about Driver CPC Training Modules.

Course modules

Module 1 Control of Vehicle & Eco-Driving TechniquesNo dates scheduled
Module 3 Health and Safety of the Professional DriverNo dates scheduled
Module 2. Minimising Risks and Managing EmergenciesNo dates scheduled
Module 4. Role of the Professional Driver in the Transport IndustryNo dates scheduled
Module 5 The Professional Truck DriverNo dates scheduled
Module 6. The Professional Bus DriverNo dates scheduled

Course dates

No dates scheduled